NEW DELHI: The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, has developed an online platform, in addition to a mobile application, for tracking COVID-19 vaccine delivery. It will also record data and enable people to register for vaccination.
Rajesh Bhushan, Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, addressing a press meeting on Tuesday, December 8, said that the platform Co-WIN will help monitor the entire process of vaccination. There are five modules in the application, namely, – administrator module, registration module, vaccination module, beneficiary acknowledgement module and report module.
Informing about the application, Bhushan said that the administrator module is for administrators who will conduct the sessions of vaccination. These modules can help them create sessions and the respective vaccinators and managers will be notified. Through registration module people can get registered for the vaccination. It will also upload bulk information on co-morbidity given by local authorities or by surveyors.
While elaborating on the digital platform, Bhushan said that the report module will help prepare reports of vaccine sessions that have been conducted, the number of people that have attended those, and all other information related to the COVID-19 vaccination process.
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