Thirsty Nation

Almost 70 per cent of Earth’s surface area is covered with water. Out of which 97 per cent is sea water and 2 per cent is covered in snow. Only 1 per cent of the available water is useable. The dwindling water resources could be a risk to global stability. States in India are already locking horns over the issues of water sharing. Many times these disputes have turned violent and gory. The problems related to water are abound. Everyone needs to come together and find solutions to the water problem that concerns one and all


21 Indian cities that will run out of water

Water demand by different sectors in India


Main source of drinking water in urban areas


Main source of drinking water in rural areas


Demand & supply of water in India in Billion Cubic Metres (BCM)

Average water use per person per day

Some Facts

70% of our water is contaminated.
India is currently ranked 120 among 122 countries in the water quality index.


By 2030 India’s water demand is projected to be twice the available supply.
40% of the population will have no access to drinking water by 2030.


75% households don’t have drinking water.
84% rural households don’t have access to piped water.
600 million people face high to extreme water stress.


By 2025 an estimated 1.8 billion people will live in areas plagued by water scarcity.
70% of earth’s surface is covered by water & only 1 per cent out of 2.5 per cent freshwater is accessible.

State-level performance on water resource management
Ranking of states according to Composite Water Index Scores (FY 16-17)

Non-Himalayan states

North-Eastern and Himalayan states

Gujarat is the highest performer, closely followed by other High performers such as Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. Seven states have scores between ~50-65 (including two North-Eastern and Himalayan states) and have been classified as Medium performers. Alarmingly, ~60% of states (14 out of 24) have achieved scores below 50 and have been classified as Low performers.

Low performers are concentrated across the populous agricultural belts of North and East India and among the North-Eastern & Himalayan states.

Water Index scores vary widely across states, but most states have achieved a score below 50% and could significantly improve their water resource management practices.

Water Index scores for FY 16-17 vary from 76 (Gujarat) to 26 (Meghalaya), with the median score being ~49 for Non-Himalayan states and ~31 for North-Eastern and Himalayan states.



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