Robots help Central Railway with combating COVID-19

Robots help Central Railway with combating COVID-19
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NEW DELHI: Taking the initiative in combating Corona virus with effective use of the latest technology, the Central Railways is using automated devices designed and created domestically for thermal check-up of commuters, helping the staff in handling the passengers and treating COVID-19 cases in a safe and efficient way.  

To examine the passengers arriving at the stations to start their journey and to ensure a COVID free and safe journey, the Central Railway developed the ‘Febri Eye’ and the robotic ‘Captain Arjun’. As per an official statement, both the robots are thermal-based screening systems that take help heat sensors to inspect and record body temperatures. Furthermore, Captain Arjun has an audio-visual facility, sensor-based sanitiser and mask machine and is equipped with the sanitising wheels for the floor too. With the aim of safe ticketing process, the Central Railway made use of Automated Ticketing Managing Access (ATMA), including the ticket checking with no manual help.

The Central Railway said that intending to prevent infection through luggage and others forms of contact, it has started automated luggage wrapping and sanitisation facility at the major stations. For the benefit of passengers, ‘Health ATM Kiosks’ are also installed at some suburban stations so as the passengers can monitor their health parameters quickly before and while journey.

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