EDITORIAL Decade of action FEATURE, EQUI-CITY Encapsulating some achievements of the Equi-City CITY IMAGE COPENHILL: World’s first urban mountaineering-cum-WTE plant CURTAIN RAISER | SAC SUMMIT 2020 Cities to finalize roadmap for SDGs at South Asian Cities Summit in Goa EVENT Cities of Opportunities ARTICLES Cry out for housing and sanitation India and Goal 11 of SDGs Sustainable cities & communities Clean Energy: Biggest Challenge in Modern times How close are we to the SDGs A battle that we cannot afford to lose Healthy and free-flowing rivers are essential to meet the SDGs The Road to 2030 Some SDG success stories from India COVER STORY Varying ideas, facades of cities LEADER SPEAK Why is achieving SDGs important for cities? URBAN AGENDA ‘SDGs’ roadmap to achieve common good for all’ VELO-CITY From a hamlet of pearl divers to the pearl of Middle East