India’s unemployment rate falls to 6.57%

India’s unemployment rate falls to 6.57%
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NEW DELHI: The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) informed that India’s unemployment rate has witnessed a sharp decline to 6.57 per cent in January. The rate is lowest since March 2021.

The CMIE, independent think-thank, stated that the unemployment in urban India stood at 8.16 per cent in January and in rural areas, it stood lowest at 5.84 per cent. In December 2021, the unemployment rate in India stood at 7.91 per cent, with urban at 9.30 per cent and rural at 7.28 per cent.

Haryana reported the highest unemployment rate in January at 23.4 per cent, followed by Rajasthan at 18.9 per cent. Meanwhile, Telangana reported the lowest unemployment rate at 0.7 per cent in January.

Mahesh Vyas, CEO and MD, CMIE, in his analysis said that around 35 million people in India were actively looking for a job in December 2021. Out of 35 million, he added, 8 million, amounting to 23 per cent were women.

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