
Localising SDGs: A Stiff Test for Cities

Our world has undergone profound changes in the last decade, more intensely in the previous 20 months. The Pandemic and…

3 years ago

Cities need to assess their risks, act accordingly

Nations have to reevaluate disaster risks, direct impacts, and spill-over consequences on people, infrastructure, economy, and services. At the local…

3 years ago

Recovery has to be environment positive

Citizens are increasingly becoming aware of the significance of clean and healthy living environments over anything else. In the post-Covid…

3 years ago

Covid-19 reasserts need for strong local governments

As cities wade through the ravages of the Covid-19 pandemic and try finding ways to manage the spiralling impacts of…

3 years ago

Creating prosperity with social security for street vendors

Street vending provides employment to millions of migrants and locals in cities and towns. Generally, these are people who could…

3 years ago

Cities’ role primary in increasing uptake of RE

Cities will be a key player in accelerating renewable energy uptake and driving the energy transition movement. City leaders are…

3 years ago

All cogs of the wheel need to work together

The recent changing priorities of cities because of the Pandemic, and before that, because of looming dangers of climate change…

3 years ago

Powering ahead in 2021

The new year has brought with it new hopes and aspirations for everyone. These could be challenging times for governments,…

3 years ago

Build back better together

Urban growth and the evolution of cities have been seen as a panacea to many social issues but the departing…

4 years ago

A health hazard hiding in plain sight

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many of us to stay at home for long. There are many side effects of…

4 years ago