Plastic is the most dangerous component piling on the planet, driving the cause of climate…
Net-zero commitments by cities essential to address issues of IDPs
The COP26 is just about three weeks away. As world governments sharpen their negotiation skills…
Why India needs zero-waste cities, not garbage free cities
On October 1 – a day before Gandhi Jayanti – Prime Minister Narendra Modi made…
Indian Navy moving towards sustainable living
Over 90 per cent of world trade is carried out by the world’s ocean with…
India spurring low-carbon innovation on a large scale
The low-carbon transition could, and in some cases is already, driving a boom in innovation…
Reduction in CO2 emissions requires people engagement
Owing to ever-growing anthropogenic activity, the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere has…
PSUs: Driving India’s quest for carbon neutrality
Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) in India have been significant stakeholders in the country’s economic development.…
Meeting climate & SDG goals together
Cities are growing by leaps and bounds. Currently, almost 55 per cent of the global…
Let COVID not derail work towards a sustainable future
The post COVID world has thrown up painful, even tragic outcomes, many seen and felt…
Indian cities transitioning to circular solid resource management
With a population of over 1.3 billion people, accounting for 18 per cent of the…